The Molluscan Forum is usually held every year at the Natural History Museum, London. This year (2024) the Forum will be held on Wednesday November 20th in the Museum’s Flett Lecture Theatre.
The Molluscan Forum is designed to be informal and to bring together people starting their research on molluscs, to give them the opportunity to present and discuss their work and to compare notes on methods and problems.
Attendance is open to all, but speakers and poster presenters should be research students, post-doctoral researchers, or undergraduate students starting molluscan projects or dissertations, and amateurs engaged in substantial projects that have not yet been published. Any topic related to molluscs is acceptable: palaeontological, physiological, behavioural, ecological, systematic, morphological or molecular.
There is NO registration fee. Usually, a limited amount of help with travel costs is available for presenters who cannot claim them from elsewhere. You will find the Registration Form here.
Most of all, the Forum is relaxed and fun!