The Malacological Society of London makes a number of Awards and Grants. These are in addition to financial support for meetings, including travel bursaries to the Molluscan Forum.
Broadening Access Membership Scheme
We are excited to launch a new initiative to help support more postgraduate students from developing economies* in their malacological studies.
We are offering 10 postgraduate students each year free membership to The Malacological Society of London for a period of 3 years under the new Broadening Access Membership Scheme (BAMS).
Students who are studying a postgraduate malacology-related course in countries designated ‘developing economies’* are invited to apply for this award with the support of their supervisor. Applications are open immediately and will close when all 10 memberships have been allocated. Membership of the first round starts on 1st January 2023 and ends on 31st December 2025.
More details can be found here.
Research Grants
The Research Grants scheme was established to commemorate The Society’s Centenary in 1993. Under this scheme The Society currently anticipates awarding at least five Early Career Research Grants per year, and up to five Senior Research Grants per year each with a value of up to £1,800, to support research on molluscs that is likely to lead to publication. The maximum amount available should not be considered as a ‘target’; rather requests for monies should reflect the research that is proposed. Early Career Research Grants are conferred on students and researchers without professional positions, but without regard to nationality or membership of The Society. Senior Research Awards are aimed at established researchers in professional positions, but without regard to nationality. Applicants for Senior Research Awards must be members of The Society. Preference for both award types is given to discrete research projects that fall within the subject areas covered by The Society’s Journal of Molluscan Studies. Applications will be assessed by scientific merit, value of the project, and the extent to which the research will benefit the applicant’s scientific aspirations. Applicants should bear in mind these criteria when submitting an application. In addition applications will be assessed in terms of scientific merit, significance and justification of budget requested, and the degree to which the proposed research will benefit the scientific aspirations of the applicant.
More details, including information on application deadlines, can be found here.
Travel Grants
Travel Grants are available as bursaries to support attendance at a conference or workshop relevant to malacology. Grants are preferentially conferred on students and researchers without professional positions. The maximum amount for one of these awards is £500 for Society members and £300 for non-members; the Society anticipates that at least five awards will be made annually. The application should have the support of the project supervisor. In years when a UNITAS Congress is held, a number of these awards are likely to be used to support participation at this meeting. There are two closing dates each year.
More details, including information on application deadlines, can be found here.
Sir Charles Maurice Yonge Awards
Successful applications to the Early Career Research Grants scheme or Travel Awards that are concerned with the study of Bivalvia may be awarded as Sir Charles Maurice Yonge Awards.
Annual Award
This Award is made each year for an exceptionally promising initial contribution to the study of molluscs. This is often a thesis or collection of publications. The value of the Award is £500. Candidates need not be a member of The Society but must be nominated by a member. There is no application form: the nominating member should send the material for evaluation with a covering letter or letter of support to the Honorary Awards Secretary. The closing date each year is 15th December. The winner(s) will be notified by 31st March, and announced at the Annual General Meeting.
Applications or enquiries concerning Research Awards and Travel Grants should be sent by email to the Honorary Awards Secretary (