Registered Charity No. 275980
(revised 17 May 1978, revised 25 March 1998, 19 March 2001, 28 April 2005 and 29 March 2023)
The Society shall be called The Malacological Society of London.
The objects of the Society are to advance education, research and learning for the public benefit in the study of molluscs from both pure and applied aspects. In furtherance of these objects, but not further or otherwise, the Society shall have the following powers:
(a) To promote and co-ordinate meetings and symposia,
(b) To promote and co-ordinate research both pure and applied;
(c) To provide for the worldwide dissemination of the useful results of such research by publication of the Journal of Molluscan Studies;
(d) To award prizes to outstanding students in the field of molluscan biology;
(e) To award research grants to individuals which will advance the study of molluscan biology;
(f) To do all such things as will further the objects of the Society
(g) To award travel and membership support to students and earlycareer scientists in the field of molluscan biology.
Membership will be open to all individuals who are interested in the study of molluscs, both from pure and applied aspects.
(a) There will be Student Members, Ordinary Members and Honorary Members. Honorary Members shall currently be limited to five; they shall be exempt from all payments and receive the same privileges as Ordinary Members. They shall be nominated by the Council and such nominations shall be confirmed at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
(b) Members shall be entitled to online access the Journal of Molluscan Studies together with such circulars as may be issued during their membership.
(c) The Council has the discretion to remove any member that is considered to fall below a standard acceptable to the Society but shall not exercise these powers unreasonably.
The business of the Society shall be managed by a Council elected at Annual General Meetings of the Society. The Council shall comprise the Honorary Officers (President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Editor of the Journal, Editor of The Malacologist, Archivist, Website Manager, Facebook Manager, Twitter Manager, Early Career Representative and Awards Officer), the immediate Past-President (ex-officio for one year), two Vice-Presidents and six Ordinary Members. One individual may hold more than one council position/role. In addition, Council may co-opt up to four members on an annual basis.
Vice-Presidents and Ordinary Members of Council are elected for three years and shall not be eligible for re-election in their respective offices for one year; the Officers of the Society shall be eligible for re-election each year, but the President shall normally serve for three years and upon retirement shall serve as a Vice-President (ex officio) for one year. Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Secretary shall normally serve for three years but shall be eligible for re-election after each three year period of service and can be re-elected indefinitely with agreement of the council and the membership
Nominations for Council from members must be proposed and seconded and in the hands of the Secretary by 31 December. It shall be the duty of Council to nominate members for election to the offices of President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Editor of the Journal, Editor of The Malacologist, Archivist, Website Manager, Facebook Manager, Twitter Manager, Early Career Representative and Awards Officer, and for the vacancies in the Council caused by annual retirement. Nominations from the members and from Council shall be submitted to the Society with the notice convening the Annual General Meeting which shall be sent to every member of the Society not less than fourteen days before the Meeting.
In the case of a vacancy arising in any office of the Society, or in the Council, the Council shall have power to fill up such vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.
At Council Meetings any six members shall form a quorum.
(a) Admission fees and annual subscriptions shall be such sums as may be determined by a Special General Meeting convened under Rule VI(c), or at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) Subscriptions shall be due from the 1 January in each year; but in the case of a new member, immediately after election.
(d) The Council shall revise and publicize the conditions of the Society’s awards and grants from time to time.
(e) For the purpose of legal protection of the property of the Society, all funds, books and other property shall be declared vested in Council as the Society’s Trustees.
(f) The Council shall cause to be kept Minutes of Council and Society Meetings and books of account in respect of all receipts, payments, assets and liabilities. Accounts shall be presented to each Annual General Meeting for approval by members and such accounts shall be independently examined.
(a) Council shall each year organize a programme of Ordinary Meetings of the Society, which may include meetings held in association with similar institutions.
(b) The Annual General Meeting shall be held at some time during the period February to April.
(c) The Council may, when they think fit, and shall upon a Requisition signed by not fewer than twelve members, convene a Special General Meeting of the Society. A notice of every Special General Meeting, stating the business, shall be sent to every Member of the Society not less than fourteen days before such meeting or announced in the Bulletin; no business shall be considered at such Meeting except that for which it was specially convened.
(d) Council shall meet regularly though out the year to discuss society business.
Matters relating to the interpretation of the Rules shall be decided by the Council.
No rule shall be altered except by a majority of votes of those present at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose, or at the Annual General Meeting. No change shall be made that would have the effect of causing The Society to cease to be a Charity in Law.
If upon winding up or dissolution of the Society there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Society, as such, but shall be given or transferred to some other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Society and which shall prohibit the distribution of its or their income and property among its or their members, such institution or institutions to be determined by the members of the Society at or before the time of dissolution, and if so far as effect cannot be given by such provisions, then to some charitable object.