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Over half of this issue is devoted to The Society’s meeting, Limpets 2003. This meeting was a great success, in terms of both the number of participants from so many parts of the world and the scope of different techniques and aspects covered. Several elements combined to give that success – timing, location, cost, and a thematic approach, as well as this being the next in an occasional series of meetings on the group. However, a key element was undoubtedly the personal approaches made by the organisers, Alan and Hugh, in contacting potential participants, and the spread of news of the meeting by word of mouth and email.

It was heartening to find that a taxon-based activity can excite such a response. So it is disappointing that the number of paid-up members of our taxon-based Society is falling. In part, the fall reflects the recent review of membership lists which improved our finances by stopping the issue of publications to unpaid members. I offer two solutions. First, talk to members of Council (page 20) with ideas of what your Society should be doing, or doing differently, and, secondly, talk to colleagues to convince them of the benefits of joining or re-joining The Society. The annual cost is about that of an evening out for two, but the benefits last much longer.

Thank you every one who sent contributions for this issue. Please send contributions of comment, techniques, news, new books, conferences, pictures etc. for the next (February) issue to me by mid-January. Articles and abstracts should be simple and succinct, avoiding or explaining specialist terms. Where appropriate, please include a reference to a more detailed account, and an illustration.

Dr S E R Bailey
School of Biological Sciences,
3.614 Stopford Building,
The University of Manchester,
Oxford Road,
Manchester M13 9PT, UK.

Tel: 0161 275 3861
Fax: 0161 275 3938

Bill Bailey


This publication is not deemed to be valid for taxonomic/nomenclatural purposes [see Article 8b in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature 3rd Edition (1985) edited by W. D. Ride et al.].



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