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The Council of The Society, in June 1999, approved the following modification and clarification of rules for its Centenary Research Grants, drawn up by Prof Robert Cameron.

These awards were established to commemorate The Society's Centenary in 1993.

1. The purpose of the Centenary Research Grant shall be to support research on molluscs which is likely to be published in a peer-reviewed journal.

2. One or more grants may be awarded each year, subject to availability of funds. No individual grant shall normally exceed £500.

3. Other things being equal, preference will be given to research students and to researchers without professional posts in malacology, but no account shall be taken of nationality or membership of The Society.

4. An application form is available from the Hon. Secretary of The Society, or on The Society's website:

And it should be completed and returned together with the following:

(a) A summary of the proposed research not exceeding two pages 92.5 cm margins, 1 to 1.5 line spacing, font size 10), to include a timetable, plans for publication and a budget specifying the purposes for which the grant is required. It may not be used to pay page charges for publication, nor for attendance at meetings or conferences.

(b) A one-page curriculum vitae.

(c) Where appropriate, confirmation from the Head of Department, or equivalent, of the applicant's student status, and of the availability of the facilities and assistance required.

(d) Letters of support from two referees.

Applicants should read the Notes of Guidance attached to these rules before completing their proposal.

5. Applications must be in the hands of the Hon. Secretary of The Society (by post only) by 31 December of the year preceeding the award. Electronic applications will neither be acknowledged nor accepted. Council will appoint a panel of not fewer than three of its members to scrutinize the applications and make recommendations to the full Council, which will determine the awards. The panel will make judgements based on the Notes of Guidance below; it will not contain a referee of any applicant, nor the supervisor of any student applying. Council will not make an award in a year in which no satisfactory applications are recieved. The award of grants will be announced at the Annual General Meeting of The Society following the closing date (usually in February or March).

6. As a condition of each award, successful applicants are required to submit a report to the Hon. Secretary within one month of the completion of the research supported by the Award. In addition the awardee shall submit an article of c. 1000 words for publication in The Society's Bulletin. Submission of a paper for publication in the Journal of Molluscan Studies will be encouraged. Any delay, or alteration of the timetable originally proposed should be notified in advance to the Hon. Secretary in writing. The award is made on the understanding that it will be returned if the applicant is unable to carry out the proposed work.

7. The award must be acknowledged in any publication resulting wholly or in part from the research supported.

Centenary Research Grants: Notes for Guidance

In making recommendations to Council for awards, the panel will take into account the following.

(a) The scientific quality and feasibility of the proposed research, given the time and facilities involved, and evidence that the applicant has the necessary skills. In particular, the panel will look for evidence that a specific question is being addressed, and that the work proposed is likely to answer it.

(b) The extent to which the primary focus of the research is on molluscan biology or palaeontology. As a general guide, an outcome which would merit publication in the Journal of Molluscan Studies would be acceptable. Projects in which the molluscan component is small or incidental do not qualify.

(c) The extent to which The Society's award would make a major contribution to the achievement of the project's aims. This shall not exclude specific extensions of larger programmes, or items such as travel and equipment that would not otherwise be available to the applicant. However, it is intended to exclude applications in which The Society's award is a minor element in the general funding of a large integrated programme clearly dependent on institutional or other public support.

Applicants should make their referees aware of these Notes of Guidance.



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