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The Malacological Society of London was founded in 1893 for the purpose of encouraging the study of living and fossil Mollusca, and registered as a charity in 1978. It is essentially an International Society, centered in London. The objectives of The Society are to advance education and research for the public benefit by the study of molluscs from both pure and applied aspects. We welcome as members all who are interested in the scientific study of molluscs. There are Ordinary Members, Student Members and Honorary Members. Members are entitled to recieve a copy of the Journal and such circulars as may be issued during their membership.

The society's Web Site is at:


The Society has maintained a continuous record of publishing important scientific papers on molluscs in the Proceedings, which evolved with Volume 42 (1976) into the Journal of Molluscan Studies. The Journal is published in annual volumes consisting of four parts which are received by fully paid-up members and student members as they are issued.

Members also receive the Bulletin, the newsletter of The Society, twice a year. This contains news of interest to malacologists, including reports of meetings and The Society's Awards, book reviews, and notices of forthcoming meetings.


The objectives of The Society have been preserved with a long tradition of scientific meetings. However, the scope of the scientific meetings has also evolved to accommodate changing emphasis in research.

In addition to the traditional methods of research on taxonomy and systematics, new experimental, chemical and molecular techniques will be amongst the topics considered for discussion meetings and papers for publication in future volumes of the Journal.

Awards and Grants:

1. The Annual Award

An annual award of £100 is given to a person who, in the opinion of The Society's adjudicators, has made an exceptionally promising initial contribution to the study of molluscs. Nominations, from any member of The Society, must reach the Secretary by 31st October each year, so that the decision of the adjudicators can be announced at the following A.G.M. Nominations must give the full name and postal address of the nominee, and the full reference for the thesis or published work which gives evidence of the candidate's excellence. The award is made on the recommendation of three adjudicators who report on the list of nominated candidates and the reason for their final selection.

2. Centenary Research Grants

To commemorate its centenary in 1993, The Society awards grants of up to £500 to support research on molluscs likely to lead to publication. Grants are preferentially conferred on students and researchers without professional positions, but without regard to nationality or membership of The Society. Preference is given to discrete researches that are in the subject area covered by the Journal of Molluscan Studies. An application form is available from the Secretary of The Society, and should be submitted together with a one page summary of the proposed research, a one-page curriculum vitae and two supporting letters from suitable referees. Completed application forms should be returned by 31 December to the Secretary of The Society.

3. The Sir Charles Maurice Yonge Award

This award is valued at £100 and is presented each year, if a suitable recipient is identified, to a person(s) who has published a paper in the Journal of Molluscan Studies on the Bivalvia, which, in the opinion of The Society's adjudicators, makes a significant contribution to knowledge. No nomination is required. The award is announced at the A.G.M.


The Annual Subcription for Ordinary Members and Student Members is due on 1st January each year. The 1999 subscription rates are:

Ordinary Members £36 (or US$ equivalent)

Student Members £22 (or US$ equivalent)

Methods of Payment

(1) Sterling cheque payable to "The Malacological Society of London". If you pay by Eurocheque please make the city of payment Belfast as required by our bankers.

(2) GIRO bank transfer or credit transfer to our Giro account: 576824003.

(3) Banker's standing order to: The Northern Bank (Sort code 95-01-49), 49-51 University Road, Belfast BT7 1ND, for the credit of "The Malacological Society of London" (a/c 91182137). Receipts will only be sent if specifically requested.

Institutional Subscriptions to the Journal:

Enquiries should be addressed directly to Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, U.K.

Change of Member's Address

Please use the address slip on the Journal wrapper to inform us, through Oxford University Press, of a change of address, or write to the Hon. Treasurer (address below).


Applications for membership can be made to the Honorary Treasurer: Dr D. Roberts, PhD, CBiol, FIBiol, School of Biology and Biochemistry, The Queen's University, Belfast BT9 7BL, Northern Ireland.




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